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How to Supercharge SMS Lead Generation with Salesmsg and HubSpot

Jon Yourkin
August 31, 2023
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Start Texting Today

Let us show you the power of Salesmsg to change your business.

If you’re not using SMS throughout your lead gen workflows, then you’re not only missing out on an easy way to fill your pipeline, but you’re making it more challenging to convert the leads you already have.

Adding texting to your existing lead-generation strategies might seem like yet another thing to pile on your to-do list. But, texting really shines in how simple it is to implement and use.

We’re talking a few clicks here, and a few messages there, and your campaigns are fully setup, running on autopilot. 

Luckily, that’s why we’re here, to help you generate leads through SMS in the simplest way possible. 

Below, you’ll learn how SMS lead generation works, along with a few of our highest-converting lead gen workflows that integrate seamlessly with HubSpot. So, if you’re already using HubSpot you can accelerate the number of leads you’re already getting with a few simple additions.

What is SMS Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting new customers into your world and nurturing them with the hopes they’ll eventually become a customer.

Lead generation can take many forms from sharing social media, content marketing, creating and promoting lead magnets, sending email campaigns, hosting webinars, and even using chatbots.

SMS lead gen is this same process, but using texting throughout the attraction and nurturing phases. Texting isn’t a stand-alone channel either but instead can be woven into your existing client and customer attraction strategies. 

HubSpot offers a variety of tools that help you turn traffic into customers. Instead of delivering a one-off experience, you can create inbound marketing campaigns that are consistent and make it much easier to create an end-to-end user experience. 

From the first website visit, to filling out a form, receiving a drip campaign, scheduling a demo, and finally becoming a customer. 

Why SMS is THE Ideal Channel for Lead Generation

Text message marketing has all kinds of tangible benefits for your business: 

  • The ROI for SMS is staggering and attracts highly engaged customers (less money, more sales)
  • Over 75% of consumers actually WANT to receive offers from you via text
  • Engagement rates are through the roof, with industry-leading delivery, open, and response rates

It’s a fast, effective, and easy way to not only get more leads but turn those leads into sales and lifelong customers.

But, there is one hurdle that you need to overcome to grow your SMS list—getting the phone numbers of your prospects. Phone numbers are a direct and personal point of contact, which makes asking for a number a bit more delicate. 

You need to establish trustworthiness up front, for your prospects to gladly hand over their phone numbers. 

Luckily, there are a variety of workflows you can easily implement that overcome this “problem” and integrate with what you’re already doing to attract new leads. 

7 Ways to Use Salesmsg SMS and HubSpot Workflows to Generate Leads Easily

Now, you’re ready to start using SMS to supercharge all of your lead-generation workflows. As a HubSpot user, you already know how powerful it is as a CMS and marketing tool.

Now, it’s time to supercharge your lead generation efforts, by essentially letting your customers text you. Plus, every campaign featured below can be automated. So, you’ll be building your SMS list, while you sleep.

1. Optimize Advertising on Traditional Mediums for SMS

If you’re running a physical storefront, then you know that traditional advertising still works. It may seem a little ancient in the fast-moving online world, but if you’re focused on the local market, then in-person mediums still convert.

The one main drawback of traditional advertising is that it’s always been hard to measure. However, by adding texting you have a way to actually see what’s working.

For example, if you’re running a radio ad, then add a simple text-to-join CTA at the end of the read, like “Text VIP to (888) 530-5678 for 10% off your next order”. You can also use these across podcasts, interviews, and any other audio medium.

The same thing goes for physical signage outside your store, business cards, and even sponsorships for local events and charities. You can use a text-to-join number to generate leads for people passing by your shop, at events, and more. 

Not only does this help you track engagement across physical advertising mediums, but it’s a simple way to textize your business across the physical mediums you’re already using to reach customers.

If you’re using HubSpot CRM to manage your leads, you can sync your T2J workflows, so your contact data is automatically added. You can even create automated text workflows that’ll engage your new leads on autopilot.

2. Make Your Website, Forms, and CTAs Textable

Do you have your phone number listed on your website?

If you want your customers to get in touch, then you need to make it easy for them.

For this, we recommend having what we call a “textable” number. This is a number that your customers can text to ask simple questions, instead of having to pick up the phone and dial.

It might seem too simple, but when we added it to our website we were blown away by the results. All it takes is configuring your number through Salesmsg and changing a bit of copy on your website. 

Plus, you can integrate this with HubSpot too, so any leads that text you are automatically added as leads in your CRM and added to automated workflows. If they’re already leads in HubSpot, then any existing data you have on the prospect will automatically be synced. 

We also recommend adding a simple SMS opt-in checkbox to any forms on your site too. With these, all your customer has to do is click a checkbox to opt-in to receive SMS messages. You can even include SMS-only opt-ins that target mobile users. 

Whether it’s opt-in forms, chatbots, or other CTAs, experiment with different locations on your site, where you can include an SMS opt-in or a textable number. 

3. Use Text-to-Join to Improve Online or In-Person Event Sign-ups

Whether you’re trying to get more sign-ups for an event, or you want to convert attendees into actual leads, texting can help. Before, during, and after you can use SMS to create buzz, generate sign-ups, and turn leads into customers following the event. 

We’ve been able to use SMS to help us launch virtual events at record speed. Not only does SMS let you quickly scale your registration process, but you can create event workflows within HubSpot, so the entire process is automated.

For a recent webinar, we drove 16 registrations and had over 90 conversations from a single text message blast. It also simplified registration. All the user had to do was reply to the message and they were registered for the event. 

Once registration was confirmed, we followed up to gather a few more important details. But, the work of getting a person to sign up was as simple as clicking send.

If you’re doing live events, or are presenting at a live event, then you can use texting in a similar way. You’ll still be doing a T2J campaign, but you’ll simply be displaying the code during your presentation. 

That way, if someone is engaged by what you’re speaking about, they can send you a text message to learn more. It takes them a couple of seconds, and your database of leads is literally being built while you speak. 

4. Include SMS Messages With Automated Email Campaigns

The moment someone opts into your email list for a free report, demo call, information request, or something else, what happens?

Do they sit and wait for an email confirmation that hopefully avoids spam? Or, do they instantly receive a text message welcoming them to the family and delivering on your promise?

This isn’t to say don’t use email, you absolutely should. But, adding texting to your welcome sequences can help you improve your conversions and build a relationship faster. Everyone texts, but not everyone is as religious about checking their email.

If you don’t have their phone number yet, then you can send a quick email asking if they’d like to receive SMS updates. This can be an automated email right at the start of any active email workflows you’re running. 

Beyond welcome sequences, you can add SMS to virtually any kind of email campaign you’re running. 

For example, Samcart was able to use Salesmsg to send two simple text messages during a flash sale and it resulted in $20,000 in additional revenue. That’s $10,000 per text message sent!

Best of all, with HubSpot and Salesmsg working together you can automate all of your lead-generation text messages. When you’re building a campaign all you need to do is drag and drop to quickly create new workflows.

5. Use Hold Messages to Prompt Callers to Sign-up For Text Alerts

If your business relies on a business phone system for sales and support, you can multiply the effectiveness of these workflows with simple text messages.

Let’s say you’re using HubSpot’s VoIP phone system or a third-party solution like Aircall. Instead of forcing your customers and potential customers into the dreaded abyss of listening to hold music, you can simply text them instead.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Have an automated phone message that prompts users to text to receive wait time updates
  • Create an automated follow-up workflow that sends a text message after a missed call

Your approach depends on how your sales and support teams handle phone calls. But, the important thing is to create an automated workflow that incorporates either text sign-up message, or an automated text message. 

These simple messages help your customers feel valued and will go a long way towards building a relationship with your brand.

6. Encourage SMS Sign-ups During New User Onboarding

Did you know you can build your SMS list even after customers have converted?

Just because someone’s already become a customer, doesn’t mean you can’t text them. 

All you need to do is offer the option to let your customers text you throughout the onboarding process. Your customer onboarding campaign probably already includes sending helpful emails, videos, tutorials, and maybe even a walkthrough call.

Why not add texting to the mix?

If your customer is stuck, sending a quick text guarantees you can help them in real time. It’s faster than email and way easier than scheduling a time to chat.

Plus, opening the channel of texting gives you an easy way to continue to provide value over time. With texting you can:

  • Send messages to ensure they can 100% use your product or service with confidence
  • Offer insider tips and tricks to help them get the most out of their product
  • Send quick surveys to gather feedback and improve their experience
  • Offer custom upsells and service add-ons to increase CLV

Not only will this reduce customer churn over the long run, but it’ll help you build a deep connection with your customers over time. 

If you don’t have your customer’s phone number yet, then send an email asking for their phone number, use a text-to-join message, or direct them to a customer profile page, where they can fill out the rest of their contact information.

7. Invite Social Media Followers to Text You

Social media can be an incredible way to connect with potential leads and customers in your market.

It’s conversational, people actually enjoy talking to brands, and they’re engaged. 

With people spending just under 2 hours per day on social media, there’s a good chance your prospects are hanging out there right now.

To take this a step further, you can invite customers to sign up for text alerts, or simply “text you”, wherever it feels natural. A lot of celebrities have been running text campaigns recently on social media, simply asking followers to text them. Now, the number isn’t usually their personal line, but it connects to an automated campaign, where they can view and even respond to texts. 

When a customer sends you a text, they can automatically be added to an existing HubSpot workflow. You can use T2J, or a textable number to help segment your contacts and align your campaign with their inquiry. 

Use the Power of SMS and HubSpot to Generate Leads on Autopilot

I don’t want to say you’re doing lead generation wrong, but if you aren’t using SMS to amplify your lead gen workflows, then you’re kinda doing lead generation wrong.

Getting started with SMS doesn’t have to be difficult either. All you need to do is give your visitors a way to reach you via text. Sometimes, opening the door is all it takes. 

If you’re already using HubSpot for lead management, then adding the Salesmsg integration only takes a couple of clicks and you can start integrating SMS into all of your existing lead gen campaigns.

Learn more about our Salesmsg SMS integration and start attracting new leads today!

Hey there! I'm Jon, and I'm truly thrilled about next-gen marketing and sales strategies. My mission is to empower leaders like yourself with cutting-edge technology, such as Salesmsg, so you can confidently integrate it into your business. I'm on a journey to modernize marketing & sales to be more human, more conversational... more real. You should join along!

Jon Yourkin
Hey there! I'm Jon, and I'm truly thrilled about next-gen marketing and sales strategies. My mission is to empower leaders like yourself with cutting-edge technology, such as Salesmsg, so you can confidently integrate it into your business. I'm on a journey to modernize marketing & sales to be more human, more conversational... more real. You should join along!
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How to Supercharge SMS Lead Generation with Salesmsg and HubSpot

Boost your lead generation efforts by integrating SMS with HubSpot. Learn effective strategies to capture and nurture leads using text messaging.

How to Supercharge SMS Lead Generation with Salesmsg and HubSpot

If you’re not using SMS throughout your lead gen workflows, then you’re not only missing out on an easy way to fill your pipeline, but you’re making it more challenging to convert the leads you already have.

Adding texting to your existing lead-generation strategies might seem like yet another thing to pile on your to-do list. But, texting really shines in how simple it is to implement and use.

We’re talking a few clicks here, and a few messages there, and your campaigns are fully setup, running on autopilot. 

Luckily, that’s why we’re here, to help you generate leads through SMS in the simplest way possible. 

Below, you’ll learn how SMS lead generation works, along with a few of our highest-converting lead gen workflows that integrate seamlessly with HubSpot. So, if you’re already using HubSpot you can accelerate the number of leads you’re already getting with a few simple additions.

What is SMS Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting new customers into your world and nurturing them with the hopes they’ll eventually become a customer.

Lead generation can take many forms from sharing social media, content marketing, creating and promoting lead magnets, sending email campaigns, hosting webinars, and even using chatbots.

SMS lead gen is this same process, but using texting throughout the attraction and nurturing phases. Texting isn’t a stand-alone channel either but instead can be woven into your existing client and customer attraction strategies. 

HubSpot offers a variety of tools that help you turn traffic into customers. Instead of delivering a one-off experience, you can create inbound marketing campaigns that are consistent and make it much easier to create an end-to-end user experience. 

From the first website visit, to filling out a form, receiving a drip campaign, scheduling a demo, and finally becoming a customer. 

Why SMS is THE Ideal Channel for Lead Generation

Text message marketing has all kinds of tangible benefits for your business: 

  • The ROI for SMS is staggering and attracts highly engaged customers (less money, more sales)
  • Over 75% of consumers actually WANT to receive offers from you via text
  • Engagement rates are through the roof, with industry-leading delivery, open, and response rates

It’s a fast, effective, and easy way to not only get more leads but turn those leads into sales and lifelong customers.

But, there is one hurdle that you need to overcome to grow your SMS list—getting the phone numbers of your prospects. Phone numbers are a direct and personal point of contact, which makes asking for a number a bit more delicate. 

You need to establish trustworthiness up front, for your prospects to gladly hand over their phone numbers. 

Luckily, there are a variety of workflows you can easily implement that overcome this “problem” and integrate with what you’re already doing to attract new leads. 

7 Ways to Use Salesmsg SMS and HubSpot Workflows to Generate Leads Easily

Now, you’re ready to start using SMS to supercharge all of your lead-generation workflows. As a HubSpot user, you already know how powerful it is as a CMS and marketing tool.

Now, it’s time to supercharge your lead generation efforts, by essentially letting your customers text you. Plus, every campaign featured below can be automated. So, you’ll be building your SMS list, while you sleep.

1. Optimize Advertising on Traditional Mediums for SMS

If you’re running a physical storefront, then you know that traditional advertising still works. It may seem a little ancient in the fast-moving online world, but if you’re focused on the local market, then in-person mediums still convert.

The one main drawback of traditional advertising is that it’s always been hard to measure. However, by adding texting you have a way to actually see what’s working.

For example, if you’re running a radio ad, then add a simple text-to-join CTA at the end of the read, like “Text VIP to (888) 530-5678 for 10% off your next order”. You can also use these across podcasts, interviews, and any other audio medium.

The same thing goes for physical signage outside your store, business cards, and even sponsorships for local events and charities. You can use a text-to-join number to generate leads for people passing by your shop, at events, and more. 

Not only does this help you track engagement across physical advertising mediums, but it’s a simple way to textize your business across the physical mediums you’re already using to reach customers.

If you’re using HubSpot CRM to manage your leads, you can sync your T2J workflows, so your contact data is automatically added. You can even create automated text workflows that’ll engage your new leads on autopilot.

2. Make Your Website, Forms, and CTAs Textable

Do you have your phone number listed on your website?

If you want your customers to get in touch, then you need to make it easy for them.

For this, we recommend having what we call a “textable” number. This is a number that your customers can text to ask simple questions, instead of having to pick up the phone and dial.

It might seem too simple, but when we added it to our website we were blown away by the results. All it takes is configuring your number through Salesmsg and changing a bit of copy on your website. 

Plus, you can integrate this with HubSpot too, so any leads that text you are automatically added as leads in your CRM and added to automated workflows. If they’re already leads in HubSpot, then any existing data you have on the prospect will automatically be synced. 

We also recommend adding a simple SMS opt-in checkbox to any forms on your site too. With these, all your customer has to do is click a checkbox to opt-in to receive SMS messages. You can even include SMS-only opt-ins that target mobile users. 

Whether it’s opt-in forms, chatbots, or other CTAs, experiment with different locations on your site, where you can include an SMS opt-in or a textable number. 

3. Use Text-to-Join to Improve Online or In-Person Event Sign-ups

Whether you’re trying to get more sign-ups for an event, or you want to convert attendees into actual leads, texting can help. Before, during, and after you can use SMS to create buzz, generate sign-ups, and turn leads into customers following the event. 

We’ve been able to use SMS to help us launch virtual events at record speed. Not only does SMS let you quickly scale your registration process, but you can create event workflows within HubSpot, so the entire process is automated.

For a recent webinar, we drove 16 registrations and had over 90 conversations from a single text message blast. It also simplified registration. All the user had to do was reply to the message and they were registered for the event. 

Once registration was confirmed, we followed up to gather a few more important details. But, the work of getting a person to sign up was as simple as clicking send.

If you’re doing live events, or are presenting at a live event, then you can use texting in a similar way. You’ll still be doing a T2J campaign, but you’ll simply be displaying the code during your presentation. 

That way, if someone is engaged by what you’re speaking about, they can send you a text message to learn more. It takes them a couple of seconds, and your database of leads is literally being built while you speak. 

4. Include SMS Messages With Automated Email Campaigns

The moment someone opts into your email list for a free report, demo call, information request, or something else, what happens?

Do they sit and wait for an email confirmation that hopefully avoids spam? Or, do they instantly receive a text message welcoming them to the family and delivering on your promise?

This isn’t to say don’t use email, you absolutely should. But, adding texting to your welcome sequences can help you improve your conversions and build a relationship faster. Everyone texts, but not everyone is as religious about checking their email.

If you don’t have their phone number yet, then you can send a quick email asking if they’d like to receive SMS updates. This can be an automated email right at the start of any active email workflows you’re running. 

Beyond welcome sequences, you can add SMS to virtually any kind of email campaign you’re running. 

For example, Samcart was able to use Salesmsg to send two simple text messages during a flash sale and it resulted in $20,000 in additional revenue. That’s $10,000 per text message sent!

Best of all, with HubSpot and Salesmsg working together you can automate all of your lead-generation text messages. When you’re building a campaign all you need to do is drag and drop to quickly create new workflows.

5. Use Hold Messages to Prompt Callers to Sign-up For Text Alerts

If your business relies on a business phone system for sales and support, you can multiply the effectiveness of these workflows with simple text messages.

Let’s say you’re using HubSpot’s VoIP phone system or a third-party solution like Aircall. Instead of forcing your customers and potential customers into the dreaded abyss of listening to hold music, you can simply text them instead.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Have an automated phone message that prompts users to text to receive wait time updates
  • Create an automated follow-up workflow that sends a text message after a missed call

Your approach depends on how your sales and support teams handle phone calls. But, the important thing is to create an automated workflow that incorporates either text sign-up message, or an automated text message. 

These simple messages help your customers feel valued and will go a long way towards building a relationship with your brand.

6. Encourage SMS Sign-ups During New User Onboarding

Did you know you can build your SMS list even after customers have converted?

Just because someone’s already become a customer, doesn’t mean you can’t text them. 

All you need to do is offer the option to let your customers text you throughout the onboarding process. Your customer onboarding campaign probably already includes sending helpful emails, videos, tutorials, and maybe even a walkthrough call.

Why not add texting to the mix?

If your customer is stuck, sending a quick text guarantees you can help them in real time. It’s faster than email and way easier than scheduling a time to chat.

Plus, opening the channel of texting gives you an easy way to continue to provide value over time. With texting you can:

  • Send messages to ensure they can 100% use your product or service with confidence
  • Offer insider tips and tricks to help them get the most out of their product
  • Send quick surveys to gather feedback and improve their experience
  • Offer custom upsells and service add-ons to increase CLV

Not only will this reduce customer churn over the long run, but it’ll help you build a deep connection with your customers over time. 

If you don’t have your customer’s phone number yet, then send an email asking for their phone number, use a text-to-join message, or direct them to a customer profile page, where they can fill out the rest of their contact information.

7. Invite Social Media Followers to Text You

Social media can be an incredible way to connect with potential leads and customers in your market.

It’s conversational, people actually enjoy talking to brands, and they’re engaged. 

With people spending just under 2 hours per day on social media, there’s a good chance your prospects are hanging out there right now.

To take this a step further, you can invite customers to sign up for text alerts, or simply “text you”, wherever it feels natural. A lot of celebrities have been running text campaigns recently on social media, simply asking followers to text them. Now, the number isn’t usually their personal line, but it connects to an automated campaign, where they can view and even respond to texts. 

When a customer sends you a text, they can automatically be added to an existing HubSpot workflow. You can use T2J, or a textable number to help segment your contacts and align your campaign with their inquiry. 

Use the Power of SMS and HubSpot to Generate Leads on Autopilot

I don’t want to say you’re doing lead generation wrong, but if you aren’t using SMS to amplify your lead gen workflows, then you’re kinda doing lead generation wrong.

Getting started with SMS doesn’t have to be difficult either. All you need to do is give your visitors a way to reach you via text. Sometimes, opening the door is all it takes. 

If you’re already using HubSpot for lead management, then adding the Salesmsg integration only takes a couple of clicks and you can start integrating SMS into all of your existing lead gen campaigns.

Learn more about our Salesmsg SMS integration and start attracting new leads today!

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