Text-to-Join Keywords

Capture more leads, build actionable lists & segments, and personalize your campaigns.

Text-to-Join Keywords

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Text-to-Join Keywords

Simple & Powerful

Unlimited Keywords (Free!)

Unlike the competition, you'll be able to create UNLIMITED keywords for free! Creating a new SMS text-to-join keyword is a simple as a few clicks. All you need is the keyword name, the auto-replay message your customers will receive when they text in the Keyword, the phone number attached to the Keyword and a tag to help you identify contacts that text in the Keyword.

SMS Keywords

Grows Your SMS List

An SMS keyword is a word that people text to so they can join your list. Because you can create multiple text message keywords at no additional cost, you can build different interest lists based on the keyword they text to For example, text DEMO to 888-409-2298 to join our list.

Text-to-Join Keywords
Text-to-Join Keywords

Automated SMS Marketing

Custom SMS Autoresponders

After someone texts your SMS keyword you can send out an automatic SMS message to create a conversation, drive to a webpage, book a meeting, or offer a coupon to generate sales. You'll be able to customize your text-to-join keyword message specifically for each keyword you setup.


See Your SMS List Grow

The Keywords dashboard helps you manage your Keywords with ease. From the dashboard view, you can search and filter your Keywords. You can also view the performance stats of each Keyword. You can drill down on specific Keywords and view the list of all contacts that texted in the Keyword along with their subscription status.

Text-to-Join Keywords

Integrate with your favorite apps

Simplify, scale, and streamline your business by connecting your tech stack with our apps

Coming soon...

Don't see an integration you need? We use Zapier to fill in any gaps.

The best way to get something done is to start

Sign up here for a 14-day trial and be on your way to engaging with your customers faster than ever before.

Still have questions? Text us: (888) 409-2298