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NEW! HubSpot SMS Workflow Extension Integration!

Chris Brisson
January 29, 2019
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Start Texting Today

Let us show you the power of Salesmsg to change your business.

If you're wanting to send SMS text messages from your Hubspot Workflows, then you're in the right place. 

I'm excited to share with you our brand new HubSpot SMS integration with HubSpot's Workflows that makes creating and sending SMS texts to your leads and contacts, a breeze.

Here's how it works...

  1. Start your 14-day trial
  2. Integrate HubSpot with Salesmsg
  3. Select your number to send as
  4. Use tokens to personalize your text
  5. Click Save and you're done!
Send texts from HubSpot Workflows

How to Send Texts Based on the Contact Owner

Plus, with our Triggers feature, you can send texts based on the Hubspot Contact owner (or other user property).

So if Mike is the Contact owner in HubSpot, we'll send the text from his Salesmsg number. If Julie owns the contact in Hubspot, we'll send the text from her Salesmsg phone number.

Now with the power of HubSpot's workflows you can create personalized text messages in just a few clicks.

We'd love to hear your feedback, so drop us a comment and let us know what you think!

Hey. I'm the co-founder of Salesmsg and we created this software to help you connect with your prospects and customers. Let's face it... people don't want to talk these days, they'd rather text. We can help you text.

Chris Brisson
Hey. I'm the co-founder of Salesmsg and we created this software to help you connect with your prospects and customers. Let's face it... people don't want to talk these days, they'd rather text. We can help you text.
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