Salesmsg Infusionsoft Developer Showcase: Key Highlights

So I'm a huge fan of Infusionsoft and have been since 2012.In fact, our entire business at Call Loop runs off Infusionsoft, so does Automize, and now... so does Salesmsg.So when it came time to enter Infusionsoft's Developer Showcase contest to take home some gold at their annual ICON event in Phoenix, we pulled up our sleeves and got to work.Because Salesmsg is the world's easiest two-way text messaging software for business, we wanted to make it even easier for Infusionsoft customers to have text message conversations that helped them grow.With Salesmsg, we want to build a deep integration with Infusionsoft that did a few things extremely well...
- Add add contacts with one line for HTTP Posts
- Send texts from Campaigns
- Easily apply tags from the Salesmsg contact record
- Easily add notes or note templates from Salesmsg
- Quickly add tasks or task templates from Salesmsg with a click
- Merge in custom fields into chat and from workflow messages
- And a whole lot more...
In fact, check out our video on how our Infusionsoft integration works...So after spending a few hours, writing up our submission, creating a video, and waiting a few days... we got word
Salesmsg was chosen as a finalist for their Developer Showcase contest!

We're excited to be apart of their event and take home the WIN.I'm pretty confident we will.But...We need your support, so as things get closer, I'll be sure to let you know how you can support us!In the meantime, sign up on our notification list so you'll be the first when Salesmsg launches.