Integration for Slack

Send, receive, and manage business SMS conversations right from Slack.

Integration for Slack

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Integration for Slack

Send & Receive Texts From Slack

If your team uses Slack on a daily basis, then our new seamless Salesmsg integration for Slack is your next favorite tool. From now on, your team will be able to start an SMS conversation with your customers within seconds and receive Slack SMS texts without having to switch between the tools.

Slash Command for Slack SMS

Start a new Salesmsg text message conversation in no time with the a Slack slash command. Simply type /salesmsg type the text message you want to send. Once you start that thread, all further incoming and outgoing messages are viewable in the Slack thread for you and your team to quickly reply.

Integration for Slack
Integration for Slack

Reply in Slack Threads

To build stronger customer relationships all you need is a smooth way to communicate with your customers. Replying to your conversations in threads will help you do just that. Your team members can open and close conversations as well as reopen closed conversations as necessary.

Assign Conversations to Your Team

Assigning incoming conversations to the appropriate team members is very easy. Just click on Assign Member from the drop down and chose the right team member to assign the conversation to. If you have Round Robin assignment set in Salesmsg, then incoming conversations will be automatically assigned.

Integration for Slack
Integration for Slack

Add Private Notes

To help you better collaborate in Slack, you can leave conversation notes in Salesmsg SMS threads. This feature is perfect for answering questions, coaching your team members, and more. Conversation notes are only visible to those have access to the Salesmsg Slack channels.

How it Works

Connecting Salesmsg to Slack is very easy.

Step 1: Connect Your Slack Workspace

  • Under Settings, navigate to Integrations
  • Go to the Integrations - Slack then click on Connect

NOTE: to connect to Slack successfully, you need to the account admin on Slack and your accounts in both Slack and Salesmsg need to be under the same email address.

Step 2: Mapping Inboxes to Slack Channels

To keep your Slack channels organized, you can map all or a subset of your inboxes to one or more Slack Channels.

Note: you can only map to public Slack channels. If you do note see the right channel in the dropdown, simply click on the refresh icon.

Step 3: Send & Receive Messages From Slack

To start using Salesmsg in Slack go to the the right Slack channel, and use the slash command ‘/salesmsg'.

A pop will appear that you can use to send outbound texts. You can either pick on of your saved replies or type out a custom message.

All incoming and outgoing messages for a single conversation will be organized in single Slack thread

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Coming soon...

Don't see an integration you need? We use Zapier to fill in any gaps.

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Sign up here for a 14-day trial and be on your way to engaging with your customers faster than ever before.

Still have questions? Text us: (888) 409-2298