NEW! Introducing the Salesmsg Call Queue

Salesmsg Call Queue: Your Personal Concierge for Incoming Calls

NEW! Introducing the Salesmsg Call Queue

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NEW! Introducing the Salesmsg Call Queue

What is Call Queue?

Introducing your personal concierge for customer calls: the long-awaited Customer Call Queue! This latest addition to Salesmsg automatically organizes every incoming call for you, so you can easily manage multiple customer calls at once.

How Does It Handle Calls?

No more calling chaos! With Call Queue, your incoming calls are neatly organized into a virtual waiting room. Once in the virtual waiting room, every caller is put on hold, so you can easily take the next caller in the “queue” while the rest wait their turn. Plus, you can add hold music or a greeting message to welcome your customers when they arrive in your virtual waiting room.

NEW! Introducing the Salesmsg Call Queue
NEW! Introducing the Salesmsg Call Queue

How Does It Distribute Calls?

Tired of scrambling to answer every customer call? With Call Queue, you get intelligent call distribution. Once you activate this new feature, the system will intelligently prioritize all incoming calls for you, using intuitive FIFO logic (“first-in, first-out”). No more overwhelming call rushes or missed opportunities. With Call Queue, every caller gets their turn one at a time, while you get peace of mind knowing you’ll never miss a customer call again.

How to Get Started…

Want to try it yourself? It only takes a few seconds to turn on Call Queue inside Salesmsg. To enable Call Queue, go to your inbox settings to switch on this feature inside either in Salesmsg 1.0 or 2.0. Once it’s activated, you can customize your callers' experience with personalized audio messages and curated playlists. With intuitive FIFO logic and manual call selection, you can effortlessly manage incoming calls and ensure no opportunity goes unnoticed.

NEW! Introducing the Salesmsg Call Queue

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