New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page

Easily manage your contacts. Import CSV files. Apply tags. Create segments. Delete unresponsive leads. Streamline your sales workflow. It’s all possible on our all-new, redesigned Contacts Page.

New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page

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New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page

Search & Filter Contacts

Looking for a specific contact? We’ve got you covered with our new Contacts Page. With our improved Search & Filters, you can locate contacts in seconds - whether you’re searching by name, phone number, or any other detail. Want to group similar leads together? Now you can combine filters to create custom segments to match your business’s specific needs. Plus, you can visualize your data in a whole new way with our new, sleek layouts.

Create Segments

Want to send personalized messages to specific leads? Automate follow-ups? Identify top prospects? It’s all possible with the right segment. Now you can create custom segments by combining filters on our new Contacts Page. You can name and edit existing segments for easy reference. Delete contacts you no longer need. Use these powerful groups to quickly find contacts, create your broadcasts, target leads, automate your workflows, identify top, most qualified leads and more. With our segment creation feature, the possibilities are endless!

New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page
New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page

Create Contacts Manually

Salesmsg 2.0’s new contact creation flow is designed for speed and simplicity. Just paste all your contact’s data directly into the sidebar and voilà - your contact is created! Spot any mistakes? You can fix them instantly inside the sidebar. Plus, you can add all necessary fields immediately and connect your newly-created contact to integrations. Once you're done, you can view your new contact at the top of your list for easy reference.

Import Contacts

No need to manually enter contacts ever again! Now you can easily import contacts just by adding new leads from your favorite spreadsheet. Simply upload your .CSV file, map the relevant columns to our contact fields, and voilà - you're ready to start engaging with your new contacts. Plus, track your import history and review results at a glance. No more missing activity in your account either. With our new advanced importing features, you can streamline your lead management process and focus on what matters most: closing deals.

New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page
New for Salesmsg 2.0: Introducing Our Redesigned Contacts Page

Manage Contacts

Take control of your leads with our intuitive Contact Management! Quickly access essential actions via the individual dropdown menu or bulk actions. Make changes on-the-fly using the sidebar editor for every contact in the list. With just a few clicks, you can manage tags to categorize contacts by interest, behavior, or any other criteria that matters to your business. Also, you can easily delete unresponsive contacts to keep your list clean and focused on high-value leads. And with our opt-in/-out features, you can ensure compliance with regulations while still maintaining control over who sees certain files from your team.

Integrate with your favorite apps

Simplify, scale, and streamline your business by connecting your tech stack with our apps

Coming soon...

Don't see an integration you need? We use Zapier to fill in any gaps.

The best way to get something done is to start

Sign up here for a 14-day trial and be on your way to engaging with your customers faster than ever before.

Still have questions? Text us: (888) 409-2298