NEW! Roles & Permissions

Organize your team for success from day one. Chose the right role for each one on your team, and customize their permissions as needed.

NEW! Roles & Permissions

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NEW! Roles & Permissions

Standard Roles

4 New Member Roles

Set up new team members with the right permissions from day one. Chose one of four predefined roles with varying permissions based on the needs of your team. The predefined roles give a lot of flexibility from full Admin rights to view only access and everything in between.

Admin Permissions

Empower Your Admins

Do you need to delegate the management of your Salesmsg account to one of your users? You can now give full permissions to anyone on your team through the Admin role. This includes everything from managing inboxes, adding and managing members to even managing billing information.

NEW! Roles & Permissions
NEW! Roles & Permissions

Granular Permissions

Customized Permissions

Do you have team members with unique duties beyond the standard predefined roles? Perhaps you have an accountant on the team who only needs access to billing information. With Granular Permissions, you can further customize these roles by controlling access at the feature level.


Easily Manage Members, Seats, & Changing Roles

If a team member leaves your team or no longer needs full access, you can drop that individual’s access to view only. When you do that, you will have the option to retain the Salesmsg Seat to use for a new member you add to the team, or alternatively drop the seat completely if you don’t want to be charged for it.

NEW! Roles & Permissions
NEW! Roles & Permissions

Granular Permissions

Easy Way to Request Access

With the Observer role you have the flexibility to extend view only access to members of your team who wont be using the application but just need to be informed. Should any of those members need any access beyond view only, they can request a role change with one click right from within the application.

Integrate with your favorite apps

Simplify, scale, and streamline your business by connecting your tech stack with our apps

Coming soon...

Don't see an integration you need? We use Zapier to fill in any gaps.

The best way to get something done is to start

Sign up here for a 14-day trial and be on your way to engaging with your customers faster than ever before.

Still have questions? Text us: (888) 409-2298