NEW! Email to SMS

Keep those texts flowing! With Email to SMS, you can reply to incoming texts right from your email.

NEW! Email to SMS

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NEW! Email to SMS

Reply to Texts via Email

With Email to SMS you can reply to your incoming Salesmsg text right from your email. The feature is compatible with any email client you use including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more.With Email to SMS you can reply to your incoming Salesmsg text right from your email. The feature is compatible with any email client you use including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more.

HubSpot Inbox

Map the emails connected to your HubSpot Inbox and manage your customer emails and texts in one place without switching apps. The email body will also have a link to the HubSpot contact record for added context.Just like with email, you can now reply to your incoming text messages form your HubSpot Inbox. The email body will also have a link to the HubSpot contact record for added context.

NEW! Email to SMS
NEW! Email to SMS

Manage Recipients

Map as many email address as needed to your Salesmsg Inboxes. You can even map multiple inboxes to the same email address. Whether you take advantage of shared inboxes or you have an inbox per member, the feature is flexible enough to meet your need.You can map all your Salesmsg inboxes to one email address or connect each inbox to a separate address.Whether you take advantage of shared inboxes or you have an inbox per member, the feature is flexible enough to meet your need.

Actionable Notifications

The email notifications will have all the information you need including the contact's number, message, the Salesmsg inbox, and even a link to the Salesmsg conversations. The email notifications will have all the information you need including the contact's number, message body, and link to Salesmsg conversations.

NEW! Email to SMS

Integrate with your favorite apps

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Coming soon...

Don't see an integration you need? We use Zapier to fill in any gaps.

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