Need some inspiration for Lead Conversion?

29 Follow-up Text Message Examples

We've curated several text message samples you can send leads to quickly move them through your sales pipeline by having simple conversations. The samples include the following:

• Salesmsg' Top Three Follow-ups

• Live Event & Webinar Follow-ups

• Demo & Free Trial Follow-ups and more!


Business texting lets you market to your customers via conversation

In this guide, we’ll give you plenty of text message examples you can use. Here's why you should consider using these templates:

• You can get instant feedback. Texts are more likely to get fast responses, compared to trying to get customers and clients to fill out long online surveys.

• Texting feels personal. Most of us text our friends, family, and loved ones daily. This makes texting a more natural and intimate means of communication.

• It shows you care. Texting is great for simple reminders, follow-ups, and highly personalized offers.

Ready to see Salesmsg in action?

The best way to see Salesmsg in action is by watching our quick demo video to see how our platform can help Textize your business.

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