March 2024

Salesmsg Product Updates

Get ready to Salesmsg March 2024 product updates! Say goodbye to compliance stress with AI-driven Toll-Free Compliance, dive into deeper SMS insights, customize triggers effortlessly, and ensure you never miss a call with seamless handling.


AI Augmented Verification

Speed through the compliance hassle! Upgrade to toll-free for lightning-fast submissions. Effortlessly complete the process in seconds. No extra profiles needed. Your EIN is securely stored. Your business info gets saved for future registrations. (Of course, you can change your details anytime.) Plus, get customized use case descriptions and opt-in images with our built-in AI.

March, 2024 - Product Updates


AI Augmented Verification

Speed through the compliance hassle! Upgrade to toll-free for lightning-fast submissions. Effortlessly complete the process in seconds. No extra profiles needed. Your EIN is securely stored. Your business info gets saved for future registrations. (Of course, you can change your details anytime.) Plus, get customized use case descriptions and opt-in images with our built-in AI.


Basic SMS Health Data

Easily check your SMS performance! Track delivery, error, and spam rates for every text on your 'Messages' page. Stay informed with tool tips and visual graphs - to ensure the most effective reach and compliance for your messages. Plus, proactively monitor messages for potential carrier filtering with our alert indicators.

March, 2024 - Product Updates


Basic SMS Health Data

Easily check your SMS performance! Track delivery, error, and spam rates for every text on your 'Messages' page. Stay informed with tool tips and visual graphs - to ensure the most effective reach and compliance for your messages. Plus, proactively monitor messages for potential carrier filtering with our alert indicators.


Extra Parameters for Triggers

Level up your CRM/App integration! With customizable triggers, you can now use extra parameters such as Message Body, Media URL, and more - now exclusively available on Custom type triggers.

March, 2024 - Product Updates


Extra Parameters for Triggers

Level up your CRM/App integration! With customizable triggers, you can now use extra parameters such as Message Body, Media URL, and more - now exclusively available on Custom type triggers.


Calls to Voicemails

Introducing seamless call management! Now, when you decline a call, Salesmsg will effortlessly redirect that call straight to your voicemail. That ensures you never miss an important connection again. No more dropped calls. No fuss. Just uninterrupted communication with ease.

March, 2024 - Product Updates


Calls to Voicemails

Introducing seamless call management! Now, when you decline a call, Salesmsg will effortlessly redirect that call straight to your voicemail. That ensures you never miss an important connection again. No more dropped calls. No fuss. Just uninterrupted communication with ease.


Compliance Text for Web-Widget

Customize your compliance text! Now you can edit your Opt-in message in Settings for seamless integration with your Website Chat Widget. This means you can tailor-fit your Opt-in message to match your needs - while staying compliant.

March, 2024 - Product Updates


Compliance Text for Web-Widget

Customize your compliance text! Now you can edit your Opt-in message in Settings for seamless integration with your Website Chat Widget. This means you can tailor-fit your Opt-in message to match your needs - while staying compliant.

March, 2024 - Product Updates
March, 2024 - Product Updates
March, 2024 - Product Updates
March, 2024 - Product Updates
March, 2024 - Product Updates

Text & call from your phone

Text on the go like you usually do. Now with super powers.

The best way to get something done is to start

Sign up here for a 14-day trial and be on your way to engaging with your customers faster than ever before.

Still have questions? Text us: (888) 409-2298