February 2024

Salesmsg Product Updates

Unleash the Power of Communication: Salesmsg February 2024 Updates Bring You Ringless Voicemail Triggers, Enhanced Calling, Mute Inbox Notifications and More!


Mute Inbox Notifications

Quickly and easily silence your inboxes! Now you can mute any inbox you’re a part of with one click. By muting, you pause all call and message notifications like sounds and pop-ups, so you can focus on other tasks. However, unread messages stay visible, to make sure you never miss an important message. To try it, hover over your inbox, click, and enjoy the quiet.

February, 2024 - Product Updates


Mute Inbox Notifications

Quickly and easily silence your inboxes! Now you can mute any inbox you’re a part of with one click. By muting, you pause all call and message notifications like sounds and pop-ups, so you can focus on other tasks. However, unread messages stay visible, to make sure you never miss an important message. To try it, hover over your inbox, click, and enjoy the quiet.


Call Distribution

Transform your IVR with the dynamic Call Distribution round-robin feature! To try it, enable the "Let the call through" option in your Interactive Voice Response (IVR), activate Call Distribution, and watch as calls are intelligently distributed to your team in a round-robin fashion. You have the flexibility to involve up to 10 members in the round-robin, and tailor it to your specific needs. You can customize this even further by exploring CRM distribution, which offers enhanced control in directing calls.

February, 2024 - Product Updates


Call Distribution

Transform your IVR with the dynamic Call Distribution round-robin feature! To try it, enable the "Let the call through" option in your Interactive Voice Response (IVR), activate Call Distribution, and watch as calls are intelligently distributed to your team in a round-robin fashion. You have the flexibility to involve up to 10 members in the round-robin, and tailor it to your specific needs. You can customize this even further by exploring CRM distribution, which offers enhanced control in directing calls.


Calling Updates

New calling updates! Call contacts who opted out of texting, whether manually or through unsubscribing. Enjoy enhanced flexibility by viewing all inboxes in the call transfer list, so you can easily transfer calls to any destination. Try all our new updates to make every call easier from now on.

February, 2024 - Product Updates


Calling Updates

New calling updates! Call contacts who opted out of texting, whether manually or through unsubscribing. Enjoy enhanced flexibility by viewing all inboxes in the call transfer list, so you can easily transfer calls to any destination. Try all our new updates to make every call easier from now on.


Ringless Voicemails via Triggers

Fantastic news for Ringless Voicemail! Now you can create triggers to send a Ringless Voicemail instead of a text. Creating a trigger is a breeze - simply choose the ringless option instead of a text when your leads or customers take a specific action. Whether it's for marketing, outreach or connection, this feature opens doors for impactful communication with your leads and customers.

February, 2024 - Product Updates


Ringless Voicemails via Triggers

Fantastic news for Ringless Voicemail! Now you can create triggers to send a Ringless Voicemail instead of a text. Creating a trigger is a breeze - simply choose the ringless option instead of a text when your leads or customers take a specific action. Whether it's for marketing, outreach or connection, this feature opens doors for impactful communication with your leads and customers.


Ringless Broadcast Sent Summary

Ringless Broadcasts just got easier! Now you can check Ringless Broadcast limits in the UI. Test out using business hours - like “no calls before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. local time.” Optimize your audio by sticking to a specific file length - between 15 seconds to 3 minutes. Understanding these parameters ensures your Ringless Voicemail broadcasts reach their full potential.

February, 2024 - Product Updates


Ringless Broadcast Sent Summary

Ringless Broadcasts just got easier! Now you can check Ringless Broadcast limits in the UI. Test out using business hours - like “no calls before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. local time.” Optimize your audio by sticking to a specific file length - between 15 seconds to 3 minutes. Understanding these parameters ensures your Ringless Voicemail broadcasts reach their full potential.

February, 2024 - Product Updates
February, 2024 - Product Updates
February, 2024 - Product Updates
February, 2024 - Product Updates
February, 2024 - Product Updates

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